Campaign development and production
for TV and Online

MySugr is the world leading app for diabetes therapy. I was working with them on their video communications from day one, as their founding team appreciated the benefits of moving images early on. From 2011 until today, I had the lead in the production of several app introduction videos, a TV commercial, a diabetes online video course, as well as product teasers and customer education videos.
mySugr App
TV Commercial
Task: How do we create a TV commercial that promotes the integration of mySugr's app and Roche's newly developed bluetooth glucose meter that creates awareness in the group of diabetics and their friends and relatives?
Concept and Execution: Being a Type-1 diabetic is tough. You need to measure your blood glucose several times a day, have a clear plan of your nutrition and make sure to get enough exercise. An almost fully automated diabetes diary app plus a bluetooth glucose meter that communicates directly to the app are about as convenient as diabetes therapy gets. Paul, our character, is able to enjoy his life to the fullest again, as he now has a companion at his side.
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Concept: Manuel Gruber, Michael Rottmann
Director: Michael Rottmann
DoP: Alexander Püringer

mySugr Coaching
Product Teaser
Task: How do we create an online video campaign that builds trust and makes potential users subscribe to the newly launched mySugr Coaching service?
Concept and execution: Being a Type-1 diabetic is tough. As a Type-1 diabetic, you need to visit a doctor or diabetes educator every six months. The problems occur in the time in between these appointments. This is where mySugr Coaching comes into play. Implemented within the mySugr app, a world class diabetes educator is always right at your fingertip. The most important factor in creating the promotion campaign was to build trust among potential clients. Our core value was authenticity, so we put the coaches right in front of the camera and interviewed them about their personal story with diabetes, something every diabetic can relate to.
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Concept: Manuel Gruber, Michael Rottmann
Director / DoP: Michael Rottmann
mySugr Academy
Online Video Course
Task: Create and promote an online video course that offers newly diagnosed Type-1 diabetics guidance in their diabetes therapy.
Concept and execution: In a 10-part online video course plus an additional online education platform, we follow a protagonist on his hero's journey from being newly diagnosed to mastering his therapy. We decided on using animation and humour as the main stlyistic characteristics, as diabetis therapy is usually boring and uninspiring. The course is divided into ten lessons between three and ten minutes. The main focus was to use clear language that breaks down complex topics with the help of a playful visual language.
The corresponding teaser aims to speak to potential users in a situation every type-1 diabetic knows: the day of the diagnosis. We use the metaphoric diabetes monster that appears for the first time and will be part of our protagonist's life from now on. This metaphor is used for the whole course, where the aim is namely to "Tame your monster".
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Concept: mySugr, Manuel Gruber, Tim Maresch,
Content: Ilka Gadinetz, Anton Kittelberger, Manuel Gruber
Illustration: Tim Maresch
Animation: Ulrich Einweg, Lawrence Blankenbyl
Text: Manuel Gruber, Bastian Kellhofer
Voiceover: Norbert Langer, Stuart Freeman
Translations: Scott Johnson
Sounddesign und Music: Mario Wienerroither
Voiceover-Recording: Markus Lechleitner / Irievibrations Studios.