360° Communications

GEA Waldviertler manufactures and sells shoes, bags and furniture in 55 outlets in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The Waldviertler shoe factory is one of the remaining shoe manufacturers of its size in middle Europe. Aside of the core business, the company runs an extensive academy program, a hotel, as well as several media initiatives. Its main publication »GEA Album« is released four times a year and reaches up to two million readers.
From 2017 to 2018, I worked on the creation of new online channels, starting with a new website and an online shop for more than 800 products, as well as social media channels. Besides that, I was responsible for campaign development and content production for a diverse set of goals, from growth in sales to customer education and HR. The main challenge was to transfer GEA Waldviertler's quirky image into the online world.
Website and Online-Shop
Bringing GEA Waldviertler into the 21st century

TASK: Creation of a new website and online shop for the whole GEA universe.
CONCEPT AND EXECUTION: When I got on board of the project, the basic architecture for the website was already fixed and the first designs were finished. I served as an interface between client and production, responsible for getting the processes going and ensuring the best possible outcome. I was responsible for the re-design of both, website and shop interface, making sure that UX and modularity, the two core features for the platform, were given. Besides that, I was responsible for the creation of different page types, most of all promotion pages for new products and product categories, the implementation of analytics and the quality control and optimisation in the first 6 months after the launch.
Concept: Sinnwerkstatt / GEA Waldviertler / Manuel Gruber
UX-Concept: Manuel Gruber
Webdesign: Sinnwerkstatt, Sandra Reichl
Webdevelopment: Sinnwerkstatt
Online-Shop: Sinnwerkstatt, GEAsoft
Die besten im Bett
Cinema Commercial
TASK: How do we produce a commercial that can be used for both, cinema and GEA Waldviertler's online channels? How do we make it represent the company's quirky communication and at the same time the high quality of their products at the same time?
CONCEPT AND EXECUTION: We use the ambiguity of the existing claim »Die besten im Bett«. To illustrate it, one of the leading employees of GEA's bed department shows us its origin.
Concept: Stereochrome
Director/DoP: Michael Rottmann
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Frag Bettina
Customer Education Videos
TASK: How do we answer our clients' recurring questions in a fun way?
CONCEPT AND EXECUTION: Who could be a better educator than the actual head of sales in the factory's own store in Schrems, in the Austrian Waldviertel? Bettina knows everything about Waldviertler shoes, in this video series, she shares her knowledge in her very unique style.
Concept: Stereochrome
Director/DoP: Michael Rottmann
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Become a Shoemaker!
HR campaign
TASK: How do we get young people to move to Schrems in the Austrian Waldviertel and become shoemakers?
CONCEPT AND EXECUTION: GEA Waldviertler employs around 20 shoemaker apprentices. We portrayed one of them, Jan, in a one minute teaser with the aim of communicating his mindset and the reasons behind his decision to work for GEA Waldviertler. Then we created a social media campaign targeted at young people interested in fashion, shoes and sustainable living. The campaign brought 35 interested young people to GEA Waldviertler's »Lehrlingstag«.
Concept: Stereochrome
Director/DoP: Michael Rottmann
Producer: Manuel Gruber
Er kommt.
Launch campaign for Waldviertler's very first sneaker!

TASK: Launch campaign for Waldviertler's long awaited sustainable sneaker brand Wing 2.
CONCEPT AND EXECUTION: Waldviertler's sneakers for kids have been some of the best selling shoes in the product range for years. More and more adults were asking for a grown-up version of their children's favourite shoe. The Wing 2 series took more than 3 years in development and clients kept asking the same old question: Wann kommt er endlich? (when does it finally arrive?). We used this in our pre-launch sujets using the simple line »Er kommt« (»It's coming«). Until the day of arrival in GEA's shops, clients only got to see the newly developed sole. The launch was a big success, the Wing 2 was sold out in several sizes and colors within a few days.
Concept: Stereochrome
Director/DoP: Michael Rottmann
Producer: Manuel Gruber